
Our mission

A warm welcome to you! At we share a passion for the island of Mön, a jewel of Denmark with its breathtaking chalk cliffs, rich history and diverse natural landscapes. Our website serves as a comprehensive guide to help visitors discover and experience the beauty and diversity of Mön.

Who is visiting us?

Our visitors are adventure seekers, nature enthusiasts and culture lovers from Germany who are looking for a unique vacation experience. You can rely on our recommendations for accommodation, activities and local insider tips.

Why a partnership?

Reach and engagement: With thousands of monthly visitors and excellent SEO rankings, is the ideal place to present your brand or offer to an interested target group.

Success stories: Our partners report increased booking figures, increased visibility and positive feedback from our joint campaigns. Become part of this success story.

Partnership opportunities

  • Affiliate links: Increase your sales through targeted recommendations on our site.
  • Sponsored content: Tell your story through customized posts that our readers will love.
  • Marketing campaigns: Let’s work together to develop creative campaigns that attract attention.

Let’s get into conversation

Interested? We look forward to hearing more about your ideas and concepts. Simply contact us at to take the first step towards a fruitful partnership.

Frequently asked questions

  • How are the affiliate links tracked?
    • We use a transparent and reliable tracking system to ensure that all referrals and bookings are recorded correctly.
  • What type of sponsored content works best?
    • Authentic experience reports, detailed guides and inspiring stories about the island of Mön get the best response from our readers.

Your next step

Ready to build a bridge to new possibilities? Contact us today to find out how we can create added value together. Get in touch with us